Violins Against Violence
Violence against women and children is not just a government or criminal justice system problem, but is a societal challenge which needs to be fought from all fronts.
Why we started
And that is where we come in. In June 2017, we embarked on this project to start a beginners’ violin ensemble for children from surrounding townships in Jeffreys Bay.
The crime rate in Jeffreys Bay is highest in the Kouga region. There has been an increase in young gangs mushrooming in Tokyo Sexwale, Ocean View and Pellsrus. Violence against women and children is rampant. Furthermore, recreational facilities and activities are in short supply. Many children in Jeffreys Bay have much musical potential, yet only a fraction of attention is paid towards development of music programs in the region compared to the focus on sports activities.
How we started
We met Grace Wong last year at one of our community outings. We spoke about Beats and Books. She came and volunteered for a day teaching basic music theory. Instantly, she had a connection with our kids. Months later when she was back home in Australia, we emailed, WhatsApped and prayed together. Our dreams for an orchestra resounded with hers. Coupled with her love for the child of Africa, the confirmation to come and join us could not be stronger.
We put our heads together and drafted plans for this project.
We got closer to achieving our dreams when Grace bought her air ticket, a few violins were donated from Zambia and Australia, and people gave towards the purchase of violins.
The success story
For the first time in the history of our initiatives, we saw commitment and dedication like no other among our children. They literally came for violin lessons, come rain or shine. We often found our kids waiting for us in unfavourable weather conditions. At the end of the year, nine children were able to perform exceeding our expectations.
We look forward to having more kids with such zeal and enthusiasm. We look forward to see them soar and rise above vices in the townships that lead to violence whether as villains or as victims.
Grace, practicing with some of the most committed students.
What next?
The big news is that the project will carry on into next year. Grace is coming back in September to join us on a long term basis. The children who have learnt the basics have shown such progress that they have been able to teach new beginners and correct each other. We are currently looking for someone who will stand in for Grace while she will be away for seven months.
Lesson time.
Arrival of violins bought overseas with the help of many caring friends.
How to get involved
- Pray.
- Partner financially by becoming a monthly supporter or once-off towards our Expansion Campaign here.
- Volunteer with us. Sign up here.
We hosted our first music night for our friends and local community.