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Realisation of a dream

I remember traveling through several States with the Waltmans. I had one of my most exciting rides of a lifetime. We stopped at every signpost welcoming us into a new State. We jumped and took epic shots with Denver, Amelia, Jenny and Jason. We stopped to dream too. One of the many dreams was the Library Dreams Project. I shared my vision and they immediately latched onto it. We explored various ways of realizing it. Grace Klein Community responded amazingly by opening up doors through community connections where I spoke and shared the need for a children’s library in Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa, and to other corridors of Africa.

Several schools responded generously by donating hundreds and sometimes thousands of books. Anonymous donors rented out a storage unit to keep all incoming donations.

The following year I proposed to my beautiful friend (now wife) Prima while on my second mission and her first trip to the US. Our trip was funded by our friends through our partnership with Grace Klein Community. We met so many new people who have now become friends.

After four years, all the goods in the storage were shipped to South Africa. The shipping freight business was all new to us. Suffice to say that we faced many hurdles along the way. Prayer has been our best weapon. On Monday, May 15, 2017, I went with a team of LXP students to Port Elizabeth to load the donated goods, after all paperwork had been completed and the container was released. This was only possible because Grace Klein Community sent us $3,000 to clear all demurrage and Customs Depot charges. That makes in excess of $9,000 worth of financial contributions in this last phase of the project alone.

When we saw the quantity and quality of the donated items, we were speechless and amazed by what God has done. Everyone was so ecstatic and all of a sudden, we became so energetic that the enormous semi-truck did not intimidate us. In jubilant moves, we offloaded the truck singing songs of praise. Nothing could dishearten us in those few hours. Our joy was stronger than any other emotion.

We are humbled by grace so sufficient – unmerited favor shown by our Grace Klein Community. You have given so much and yet you continue to give more.

Since 2011, we have received ministry support spiritually, emotionally and financially. We have received emergency relief funds for West Africa projects, a ministry vehicle, travel expenses including air tickets, just to name a few. Grace Klein Community also sent us personal funds including pre and post-wedding costs.

And now we have received 12,000 books, an innumerable range of clothes for babies to adults, music instruments and equipment, computer equipment, and we are still unpacking! We are utterly shocked by your unrelenting generosity. We are filled with all exciting emotions and new-found hope to dream further. Our hearts are full of gratitude. Our despair has been shattered by authentic love exhibited in the expression of your unconditional love and encouragement yielded by entrusting us with such a huge task of stewarding God’s resources as well as to channel His blessings to the needy in society.

We would like to say thank you, times a million, to everyone that has made this project possible, from Alabama to Florida, Maryland to Michigan, Missouri to Arkansas and all the way to California, we will forever remain thankful to all prayer warriors and sponsors. There is absolutely no doubt that great leaders will be grown and nurtured through the Library and Music Academy at Beats and Books. Your gifts are rare pearls and diamonds whose true worth cannot be measured by devices nor by human brains. Their impact is eternal.

“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” – Philippians 1:3-6

Testimonies from Clothing Donations

“So we couldn’t resist giving out some goodies as needs came. This is what happened…

We have an LXP student camp approaching. Since it’s winter and some of the students didn’t have enough warm clothing, we decided to ask them to help themselves to some clothing. They were so unbelievably thankful.

One of our students has two kids and has had no steady income or support since she joined LXP. I asked her to pick out some clothes for her kids too. She selected two or so items. Then I asked her to take more. When I met George later, he told me that when she saw him she ran towards him shouting: “This God is for real! He has provided my kids with all winter and summer clothing. I don’t have to worry about buying stuff for the next two seasons!”

Yesterday I invited our two friends, who are from India, and their son, to get some clothing. So they came today. I asked them to feel free to pick clothing and shoes as they need. First of all, Sony told me that she has never had more than a pair of shoes and a pair of flip-flops in her entire life. She walked away with four pairs of shoes for herself. On top of that they took shoes for their son as well as clothing for their entire family of three. She said they are sorted for the next three years! Sony and Paul are servant leaders based in India where they share the gospel through a primary school they opened in a dangerous area. They are in South Africa for a 20 day vacation.

We can’t wait to hear more testimonies from people who will benefit from this colossal gift!”

“Freely you have received; freely give.” – Matthew 10:8

Cornelius Chapewa Ngosa

Cornelius is the founding director of Beats and Books. He has served on The Leadership Experience (LXP) Trust's Board and is currently on the Global Challenge and Oakridge Academy Advisory Boards. He co-leads the Global Community Church in Jeffreys Bay. Cornelius is married to Primadonna and they have three adorable children.